8345 NW 66 ST #C9888 MIAMI, FL 33166-7896To create your email ad:
Please use for all communication in the ad building process, otherwise we cannot guarantee speedy service.
We require that you submit the ad materials at least 1 week before the scheduled date, otherwise we cannot guarantee it will go out on time as planned.
You need to approve the ad once we set it up on our system before it goes out. If approval comes late for any reason (this includes us doing a lot of back and forth to get the ad right), this means that you may miss your scheduled time, in which case we will have to reschedule you.
Whenever you send in the ad materials, please make sure to include a From and Subject to be used with the ad.
Please use this format:
From: My Business
Subject: My subject
The From and Subject are important for getting a higher email open rate.
We have noticed an increased opens rate with Froms that are personal names rather than business names. Some of our clients opt to use both as in “John Smith – Business Name”
For the Subject, here are some pointers:
- Use lower-case or Sentence case – not Title Case or, even worse ALL CAPS
- Keep it to 4 or 5 words, max
- Ask a question
- Avoid almost all punctuation
- Get to the point in a “lizard brain” sort of way
- Please realize that we cannot write the copy of your ad for you. We do not know your product. You do. This means that the most qualified person to write about your product is you. We will however provide feedback, if we find something wrong or see a better way of formatting.
- The best solution is for you to send us a copy of a flyer that you created or a copy of an ad that you used with a newsletter service like Constant Contact or MailChimp. We should be able to pick up the html code from there. Keep the width to 600 pixels, but you can expand to 800 if you feel you need to.
- We can also create an ad from text on a WORD document. Just type what you want to advertise.
- We can also go to your website and copy the content and images for your ad, but the website copy has to be email-compatible, otherwise you will be asked to rewrite it for the email ad.
- You can also send us a Photoshop
- .PSD file with all the layers included.
- Send us your pictures and logo as a .jpg, .gif or .png attachment. If you have nothing, we can provide you images from our photo library.
- Avoid sending us a .pdf document of your ad. Converting it to an ad is troublesome. We can do it, but it may take longer to create your ad than our usual 24-72 hour window.
- We have software that scans your ad for “spammy” words. For instance, avoid words like “free” and “investment”. The ISPs will block your ad from being delivered. We will send you a spammy word report if it’s too out of hand and you will have to sanitize the ad and send it back to us.
- Your ad can contain your email, website, reservation and “buy here” links. They will all be hot and directed to you. We do NOT handle or collect your money/payments.
- We will build your ad for no charge and send you a proof. Feel free to request adjustments and tweaks. If you need to make major changes, we will do it one time free. You will be charged $25 for each major edit after that. Please make sure to send us the correct content the first time to avoid extra charges. Check your work for typos.
- If you want us to convert image(s) into HTML, you cannot use gradients behind the text. You also cannot have text inside an image, if you want the text to be HTML. You cannot have a part of the image (like a person’s limb) go into the text area. Conversely, you cannot have text overlap with an image. In these cases, we have no choice but to convert the ad into sliced images. Otherwise we will not guarantee mail client compatibility for the ad and your approval to run it means that you agree that it might turn out wrong.